Monday, September 14, 2015

Coach Cleary

       Beginning his eighth season as Head Women's Basketball Coach at Bloomsburg University, Coach Bill Cleary locks his eyes on winning a National Championship. A dream that hasn't been achieved yet by Bloomsburg University Women's Basketball (BUWBB), a National Championship is a common goal shared by the entire team. Although winning is a considerable goal for Coach Cleary, he will never ignore his morals nor lose his way.

       Freshman BUWBB player, Marissa Molnar, shares this common goal of winning a National Championship. Although Marissa acknowledged that winning a National Championship will be difficult to reach and will require a lot of hard work, she still believes in the team and in Coach Cleary to get us there. "Coach Cleary will prepare us and push us on our worst days," states Marissa, "he will never give up on us."

       When I was being recruited by Coach Cleary during the spring and the summer between my junior and senior year of high school, I believed every word Coach Cleary said to me. He never promised me something that he couldn't give me, but he did always tell me what he believes we can accomplish. "I believe we can win a National Championship," said Coach Cleary (numerous times). But when I asked about playing time or something that wasn't decided yet he would simply tell me that he wouldn't promise me anything and that he tells all the girls the same thing. "No promises will be made and playing-time will be determined by how hard you work in practice," declares Cleary. Coach expects his players to work hard every second of every practice because he knows he will.

Coach Cleary in an interview after a victory
       Amidst a fierce scrimmage during a Wednesday night practice Cleary yells, "CASEY!" as he stands on the sideline in his all Under Armour outfit with his arms crossed and a satisfied grin on his face. Freshman Casey Warley trembles on the court worried and confused as she had just completed a tremendous offensive move to the basket. Coach Cleary is so intense that sometimes during a practice he will yell at the top of his lungs at one of his players only to tell her, "GREAT JOB!" followed by, "GREAT JOB, LADIES! THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!" The freshmen and transfers are still acclimating themselves to the intensity Coach Cleary brings to workouts every day.

       Although Coach Cleary is enthusiastic about his job and demands to win, he focuses on more than basketball and illustrates way more than just coaching characteristics. Every time I spoke with him on the phone during my recruiting process he would always make it a point to ask how my day was going and if I needed anything. Trying to get to know me on a more personal level than just basketball, Coach Cleary would discuss vacations, new movies, family and friends, and many more aspects of everyday life with me. One of the many examples of his kind and caring nature was exhibited every time before we hung up when he would say, "Tell mom and dad I say 'hello'." This was a simple gesture that seized my attention and separated him from every other coach that I spoke to during my tedious recruiting process. Coach Cleary made me feel at home and feel wanted before I was even at Bloomsburg University; he told me he didn't just want me to play for him but actually needed me to play for him. My parents loved him because he truly longed for their daughter and didn't just want her to want him.

Bloomsburg University Basketball Court at Nelson Field House

        Putting the kind, personable Coach Cleary aside, he is a fierce and very passionate competitor who refuses to lose. I knew coming into college that everything was going to be a lot more challenging, especially basketball. What I didn't realize was how laborious it would actually be. Coach Cleary's workouts are demanding to begin with, and then he proceeds to make them even more strenuous. The hardest part for me (and I think many of the girls) during the workouts is talking; we have to talk loud every drill. "THEY NEED TO BE ABLE TO HEAR YOU OUT THERE!" asserts Cleary, hopping and throwing his arm towards the wooden doors that go from the court to the lobby area in Nelson Field House.

       "IF YOU DON'T TALK WE ADD ANOTHER MINUTE!" exclaims Cleary during backbreaking, calf-killing, hour long ladder drills. The second the gym goes quiet is the moment when we add another minute to an already-too-long drill. Although us players might think the drill is too lengthy Coach Cleary doesn't; he will push us past our breaking point in order to make us better, make us tougher.

        Toughness is one of Coach Cleary's biggest values. He required every girl on the team to read Toughness by Jay Bilas over the summer and asks us questions about the book. Coach Cleary believes that if every person on a team and every person involved with a team is tough, the team will be unstoppable; I agree with him. "Make will only make you tougher," states Cleary.

        Winning a National Championship will definitely be a magnificent task but BUWBB can achieve it...if we're tough enough. Coach Cleary will stop at nothing to prepare his players while ensuring they are having fun, staying healthy, and excelling in school.

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