Monday, September 14, 2015

For the Love of Food

         Ahhhhh the beloved Scranton Commons, Bloomsburg University's main dining facility. Fully equipped with 8 dining stations that have an endless variety of food that touches all the bases of the craving spectrum. The all you can eat motto is incredibly enforced in this dining establishment. You can eat the best cuisines from almost every cultural background. The exquisite varieties offered are a celebration of culture.

          The meal cycle includes meals such as sushi, pasta, tacos, and if your feeling traditional the good old hamburger with freshly cooked home fries. A home cooked meal awaits you every visit you make to the Commons. When asked about the magnitude of the food consumption at Bloomsburg's Scranton  Commons ,the front of the house manager Marissa shocked me with the numbers. About 120 pounds of fruit is consumed daily, 150 burgers in dinner only; throughout the day 450 are served and 200 chicken patties in one meal period!

Everyone's favorite section is the dessert station, the dining staff takes great pride in their pastries! If one requests the server for ice cream, you'll be happy to be informed that any flavor you choose is homemade here in Bloomsburg! Also the cupcakes are to die for, each cupcake has its own special ingredient that adds that kick too it. The cupcakes flavors change as the seasons do. For example since were in the fall, the recipes will include flavors such as pumpkin or carrot cake with decadent cream cheese icing. Marissa, a familiar face in Commons is an advocate for the dessert section, and also a baker.

Pumpkin&yellowcake cupcakes

Marissa making tacos
Marissa has been the front of the house manager for quite some time.  I was able to chat with her about her experiences in working in the food industry. When she's not busy serving 1800 college students in one meal period, Marissa is seen supervising other employee's making sure the food is prepared up to standard. But there are some rumors that linger around about Commons food. One of the most famous rumors is that Bloomsburg purposefully mixes their ingredients with laxatives. Yes, I know what your thinking.... What?! I did some investigating to help clear the misconceptions.
Salad bar

    I Personally asked Marissa if these accusations were true; She remarked with a look of disbelief and amusement. "No, we measure everything out, we really take food safety here seriously. There's no way we would be able to serve it if it wasn't safe." Please, don't believe what you hear through the grapevine and please don't pass it along to your guests! They'll lose the opportunity to indulge in BU's finest dining.

One of the best feature's about being a Husky is the fact that, each student has 10 meals swipes for friends/family who come to visit on campus! On orientation days for new freshmen, parents and prospective students get free meal tickets into Scranton Commons to get a taste of the good life. Upon ones entry to the Commons if you look to your left, there will be huge booths laid on top of a platform that raises several inches from the ground. These booths are located behind the Husky water fountain. If you look to your right and walk towards the dessert station, you'll witness "bar" styled  tables and stools in the back of commons. This area allows for a more private experience. Feel the love yet?

      If you can't maybe this next tid bit will convince you. Scranton Commons has a special section just for vegetarians or vegans! This installment is located next to the pasta station close to the dessert section. Each food item has a complementary nutrition information available. The best part regarding this is you can still keep track for your diet. A great addition to Commons healthy alternatives, they strive to reduce the amount of unhealthy fats and sodium in their recipes. They also encourage local  suppliers to do the same. If a student has any food allergies the dietitians work with students to accommodate their special dietary needs.
 "I love making students happy with food, its what makes my job worth the hard work." I guess it's safe to say Bloomsburg's dining staff has a love for food and its students, and don't worry they don't have a love for laxatives.

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