Monday, September 14, 2015

Solving The Problem
            Ever need help with your math work or just a quite and comfortable place to get it done stop by the Bloomsburg University Math Lab. The Math lab is a great place for your academic studies and getting your work done. The people who work with the students there are extremely helpful with working with student’s algebra problems and questions.
      The Math Lab is located on campus in the Northumberland hall lobby and is open to students Monday through Thursday 10am to 9pm and Fridays 10am to 1pm. There is a very nice and comfortable atmosphere with not a lot of noise nice people and lots of couches. With 14 tutors in total on staff plenty of different types of people are offered that can help students understand the concepts of college level Algebra.
            As I already stated the Math Lab has 14 tutors in total who all work different shifts. When I was talking with the tutors they explained to me that their main goals are to assist student with their math problems and to keep the atmosphere friendly and quite. The tutors sit at the front desk signing people in and out and keeping record of it while also helping students learn and answer questions. All of the tutors have taken the two introductory and intermediate Algebra classes and work well together as a group.
            While interviewing the tutors at the front desk I got to know a lot about the math lab and the people who work there. They all seem to really like their job and the rewarding experience of helping people. Also on some occasions they will meet up with you and can tutor you by appointment. Also that you can only work on math things while you are in there and that you are required to stay for at least a half hour to get credit for the session.
         One big thing that I took away from the interview was a quote that one of the tutors working at the front desk said. “There are plenty of reasons why I love working here but the biggest one is that my job is to help people, and that’s really rewarding”. That quote really showed me that she is really passionate about her job and helping people.
            There is great diversity among the tutors that help give you different perspectives on things that you need help with. For the most part all of the tutors have different majors and skill sets to help you. Everyone also has a different style in which they can teach and explain things to you when you are having a math related issue. There is always plenty of tutors working so when you are having trouble comprehending what one tutor is explaining to you another can come in and explain the solution to you in another way.
            The students in the math lab also contribute to the good positive atmosphere in the lobby. For the most part everyone is either doing their home work or studying either in a group of friends or by themselves. A lot of students keep to themselves by either coming alone or putting in headphones. Most of the time you will see at least one person from your class that you can either work with or ask questions about what’s going on in the class.
            During my first trip to the Math Lab I walked in sat on one of the couches opened my homework and immediately had a problem this is when I discovered the worth of coming to the Math Lab. I forgot my syllabus and didn’t know what the homework was so I found people in my class asked them what it was and I figured it out very quickly. Then I had some questions on how to do some problems so I took my homework to the front desk and had a tutor explain to me how to get the answer in a very quick and friendly way.
            Overall the Math Lab has a very good and learning friendly atmosphere get your work done in. The students in there keep quite but will try to help you out if you have a question about something. There are lots of tables and couches to get your work done on which also lends to the nice comfortable atmosphere. The tutors sitting at the front desk a very friendly and helpful and know how to help you with your problems in the course.    
            The Math Lab is a very friendly and helpful place for you to get your work done. It has a great atmosphere and very helpful tutors and other student there to help you. With the friendly people and comfortable spots to get your work done the math lab has a great atmosphere. I hope this paper can help change your view on the math lab. 

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