Monday, September 14, 2015

Steak n Shake

                                                                         The Place To Be

         “Steak ‘n Shake is a great place to work at as a college student”, employer Hannah explained to me. “It’s easy work, and there are great benefits of working here”. Steak ‘n Shake was first introduced into the United States in 1934 in Illinois. The environment consists of bright red, dull gray, and an unusual bland of black portrayed on the wall. Throwback pictures cover the wall of people eating at Steak ‘n Shake back when it opened. The classic pictures are in black and white and has an inviting sense when students first walk in. As hungry filled college kids enter the restaurant, it's clear to see a shining menu that portrays “Classic foot long w/ fries”, “Milkshakes”, “Cheeseburgers and any assortment of fast food”. 

           The Steak ‘n Shake seating area offers booths, bar tables and stools, and the everyday regular tables. While the food the customer ordered is being processed, the customer can quickly fill up a soda of their choice and relax and wait. The aroma of fries and fast food fill the room. In the kitchen area, patrons can see smoke fly from the grill and hear the sizzling sound of a fresh beef burger.  It’s a friendly environment and the workers are dedicated to what they do, always scurrying around making orders.  There is three sections behind the counter. One section consists of workers making the milkshakes, while another section prepares all the food. The third section is the register, where most college students prefer to work. 

            While observing a college kid with brown hair, dressed in a yellow polo shirt, wearing Tom shoes, he commented to his friend “Wow this is the best place to eat on campus, forget about Commons!”  Hearing this, I slowly walked over and asked “Why do you like this place over the Husky or Commons?” Jared replied “Well, I’m a senior and this place is new so I figured I would try it out, and what do ya know? Best place to eat on campus. The environment is friendly, the food is outstanding, and it’s pretty cheap!”
            Sherrie, who thinks Steak 'n Shake is outstanding, and also an employee at Steak ‘n Shake, told a hilarious story when asked “What was the funniest thing you’ve seen here so far?” She laughed and replied “Well this one time at 8:30 P.M., two Bloomsburg students stumbled in drunk, and at the time, the place was packed with students eagerly waiting in line. The two obnoxiously cut in front of 15 students and I could smell the booze on them instantly. I told them politely to go to the end of the line and wait but they weren’t having it. So one of them drunkenly smacked a drink out of a person's hand to their right and that’s when the girl smacked him in the face. They were forced out of Steak ‘n Shake and walked out the doors toward Elwell. It was somewhat hilarious”.
         The Steak 'n Shake is located below commons, across from Elwell dormitory.  For a first timer, students wouldn’t expect good quality food with a little to no wait receiving the food of their choice. When a student orders, they use their BU card and the lady at the cash register swipes for a meal or flex points. As the civilian eagerly awaits 3 to 4 minutes, surrounding people hear an employee scream “Order 2299!”  The receipt order is 2300, so you have to wait 2 more minutes. Finally, after 5 minutes, another employee screams “Order 2300!” and quickly jump out of a tall booth to grab the delicious meal and demolish it.
            Steak ‘n Shake was founded in February in 1934 and the first restaurant is in Normal, Illinois. Gus Belt, the founder, wanted the world to know about his delicious burger and milkshakes.  Research shows that “steak” is short for “steak burger”, and the word “shake” is short for his amazing milkshakes. Bloomsburg University parched a great chain restaurant on their campus and it turned out to be a huge success.

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