Monday, November 30, 2015


Figure 1 (n.d.). Retrieved December 2, 2015, 
  Hi everyone I'm Trina the tree and I am going to tell you about deforestation! (Figure 1). Deforestation is the removing of trees to use the land in other ways (1). For example farmers use deforestation to gain more land available to plant crops (2). Another example is the use of trees. Trees provide people with many things such as Oxygen, paper, furniture, food, housing and many more (2)! Deforestation sounds good for people but is it good for the trees like me? Unfortunately deforestation doesn't just hurt the trees it hurts the animals too. Us trees provide homes and food for these animals and insects. Without us there wouldn't be anything. Without trees people wouldn't be living in a good environment. If people didn't have trees how would you survive?  Trees like me help people like you but if you take too much we won't be here anymore. Trees need time to regrow and prosper for good use. Once trees are taken they should be replanted in order for a new forest to grow in its place which will also give animals like my friends a new place to live! Many forest these days are not natural they are replanted forest or forest that have been "touched". Forest that have not been tampered with are called Frontier forest. Frontier forests are the worlds largest intact forest ecosystems (7). There are only a few frontier forest left in the world! 

How and why it happens  

       Sometimes deforestation happens naturally for example forest fires, flooding and erosion. The method of deforestation varies depending on the amount and use of the land and trees. If the area is being made for land then Burning trees down is the normal method (5). Other method are logging. logging is normally the method used when trees are being used as products like paper products, furniture, housing materials and much more! Sometimes trees are cut down to get animals for food 
(2). They clear the forest which runs the animals out and they get them and supply grocery stores with food for people to eat. While doing that they normally keep the logs as well. Logging isn't always bad it provides people with supplies like medicine, food shelter and paper products. Cutting down trees can be effective if it is done right and is in small amounts. Today we are taking too many at a time and it is hurting the earth. If people only took what they needed and little amounts at a time then trees like me would be happy!

Figure 2  (n.d.). Retrieved December 2, 2015,
Ways you can help!

  • Donate money (3)
  •  Inform your friends and family (3)
  • Buy products that are made of 100% post consumer products (3)
  • reuse, reduce, recycle by following these steps you can save so many of us trees! (Figure 2) This is a great way to eliminate waste and prevent more trees from being cut down! And it will help us maintain a clean earth!
  • Buy recycled materials instead of new ones. 
  • Buy from environmentally friendly companies. 

Fun Facts 
  • Trees cover about 30% of the earths land! (4).
  • The United States has less than 5% of the worlds population but uses more than 30% of the worlds  paper products (4).
  • You need trees to Breathe
  • Burning whole trees is worse than burning coal (5).
  • Up to 28,000 species may go extinct due to deforestation (6).
  • Every minute forest the size of 20 football fields are cut down (6).
Thanks for coming i hope you had fun and learned a lot! 


(1)  Deforestation - Dictionary Definition. (n.d.). Retrieved November 16, 2015,

(2)  Deforestation Facts, Deforestation Information, Effects of Deforestation - National Geographic. (n.d.). Retrieved November 16, 2015, from

(3) Solutions to Deforestation. (n.d.). Retrieved December 2, 2015

(4) Deforestation Facts. (n.d.). Retrieved December 2, 2015

 (5) Deforestation Facts - What is Deforestation? | NRDC. (n.d.). Retrieved December 2, 2015

(6) 10 Scary Deforestation Facts We Should All Be Concerned About. (n.d.). Retrieved December 2, 2015

(7) Frontier Forests: Key Definitions. (n.d.). Retrieved December 2, 2015


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