Sunday, November 29, 2015

Laser Eye Surgery

Do you or your parents wear glasses? What if there was something that could get rid of your glasses? There is! Something called LASER EYE SURGERY can help fix your eyes so you don’t have to wear glasses anymore.

How Does Laser Eye Surgery Work?

Figure 1: Laser Eye Surgery (3)
A really cool feature of Laser Eye Surgery is that it uses a LASER BEAM to fix the shape of your eye so you can see better. Part of your eye called the CORNEA is moved so the laser beam can go into your eye. Once the cornea is out of the way, the laser beam reaches all the way to the back of the eye and seals off ruptured, or broken, blood vessels in the eye (2).

Although Laser Eye Surgery may seem quick and easy, only special kinds of doctors can perform this surgery. The type of doctor who actually performs the surgery is called an OPHTHALMOLOGIST. An Ophthalmologist is a trained medical doctor who has earned a special degree known as a Medical Doctor or Doctor of Osteopathy degree. These kinds of doctors are licensed to surgically invade, or go in, the eye.
Figure 2: Ophthalmologist with
a chart testing eyesight (4)

Another kind of doctor that can help with Laser Eye Surgery is known as an OPTOMETRIST. Optometrists check on the patient before the surgery is performed and help the Ophthalmologist decide if the patient needs Laser Eye Surgery or not. Surgery is a big deal and teamwork must be used so everything goes well and so the patient is as happy and healthy as possible!

Some things that these special doctors look for before performing the surgery is that their patient doesn’t have any serious health problems that could make the surgery go wrong. One health problem that could possibly make the surgery fail is if the patient doesn’t heal from wounds very easily—this could make the patient’s eye not heal properly.

Why Should Someone Get Laser Eye Surgery?

As said before, Laser Eye Surgery can help get rid of the need to wear glasses. Not only is Laser Eye Surgery a pretty easy surgery to accomplish, but it is also very effective. According to Carita Caple, “95.4% of individuals who undergo Laser Eye Surgery are satisfied with their results” (1). Not only is Laser Eye Surgery effective, but it is also a fast procedure and it doesn’t take long for patients to heal from the almost painless surgery.

Clear vision with no glasses can help you or your mom or dad so much with a lot of different things. You won’t have to wear your glasses anymore in gym class, or at your basketball game, or while performing in the school play! You don’t have to worry about glasses anymore with Laser Eye Surgery!

(1)Caple, C. (2014). Laser Eye Surgery: Assisting with. CINAHL Nursing Guide
(2)Halle, M. (2013). Eye laser [Figure]. Retrieved from article-2407893/Cool-laser-
          stop-diabetics-going-blind-Doctors-hail-new-treatment- leaves-healthy-parts-eyes-unharmed.html 
(3)Web MD Inc. (2013). LASIK [Figure]. Retrieved from
(4)123RF. (n.d.). Illustration of cartoon ophthalmologist with chart testing eyesight in eye care concept [Figure].
          Retrieved from

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