Monday, November 30, 2015

No Pencils Allowed

Computers have made a big slash into the pool of schools around the world. It started off as a big bulky box that had few functions to now having skinny flat touch screen devices. The advancement of technology has come a long way.
How do we use technology in school?
Technological devices have found its way to schools to help you learn in a different way. Most of your classrooms probably have a big white touch screen board that teachers use during class called a Smart Board. The Smart Board is a way for you and your classmates to engage in the learning through a visual aspect. The board is connected to the computer so that images or notes that the teacher is explaining can be seen by everyone in class (3). Another device that has become popular is the iPad and tablets (4). Having an iPad or tablet can give you the chance to play educational games. Your teacher can recommend an educational app that goes along with the lesson plan so that you and the rest of the class can have fun learning about the specific subject. These devices make it easier to always have your work on you. No more using the excuse that you forgot your homework at home anymore or saving it on another computer. Not all the technology used in the classroom are devices. Some other applications that teachers use are PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Excel, etc. Kids like you use PowerPoint a lot for projects or presentations because its another way to use visual aids while learning. It allows pictures, effects, and information of their topic to be mixed together. You probably use Microsoft Word for most of the work done in class. While Excel is usually used by teachers and other adults for work reasons. Microsoft Word and Excel is a way to comprehend information without having to hand write it. Technology is a new way for students that helps their specific learning style. 

What are some activities that can be done with technology?
Teachers can use PowerPoint as a review session for a quiz coming up. They can make a jeopardy board or even a game show. This would make review sessions more fun and a way for you to interact with the rest of the class. Do you like puzzles? Have fun solving a word search or a maze? Well there is a cool website that gives you a chance to create your own puzzle using the information that was taught in class. Puzzlemaker lets the creativity in you come out (2). Teachers can assign your class homework to create a word search or a different puzzle that has to do with the new spelling words and bring in a printed copy to class the next day. You and your classmates can switch puzzles and have fun solving them while studying the spelling list. All of these resources help make learning something that you kids enjoy doing instead of having boring lectures. The technology aspect of the lessons and activities engage the students in the learning process as well as help with understanding the information in a different way. 
What are the advantages of using technological devices?
 Living in the 21st century, you may notice that the common way to get around in life is through technology. There are so many benefits that you kids have from technology being moved into the classroom. The advantages are that it makes learning more fun, preparation for the future, and learns at their own pace (1). Using a laptop or a tablet makes learning fun because its more interesting with virtual lessons or activities compared to a lecture setting. Imagine having to sit through a 45 minute lecture without any activities or group work. You would think that was a boring class right? Well by using technology for lesson plans or activities no one will be bored instead you guys would be more interested in the information being taught. Most people think ahead in life and think of the future. "Education isn't just about memorizing facts and vocabulary words, it's about solving complex problems and being to collaborate with others in the workforce" (1). Technological devices are helpful for when it comes to solving problems. How many people use calculator in math class? A calculator can be an example of a technological device. Do you ever feel rushed while doing school work? By using technology in a classroom, it will help kids learn at their own pace. From students working at their own pace it will also make them more confident with their assignments. Technological devices are used to help students in a way that can be easier for them. 


(1) Benefits of Technology in the Classroom. (n.d.). Retrieved November 28, 2015, from

(2)Technology in the Classroom Technology Integration Ideas that Work. (n.d.). Retrieved November 28, 2015, from
(3) Using Smart Boards in the Classroom. (n.d.). Retrieved November 28, 2015, from
(4) 10 Benefits of Using iPads in Schools. (2011, September 26). Retrieved November 28, 2015, from

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