Monday, November 30, 2015


Figure 1: Frankenfood [Web Image] .(2012,July 31).
Frankenstein (a scientist) who put together random body parts found in a cemetery, wanted to make a perfect human. Now imagine that's how your food has been created, not in the same way as Frankenstein had done, but parts of your food called genes have been placed in a lot of the food your eating to either make it last longer or to make it taste better.
Figure 2:Top names in the processed food industry [Web image] (2012)
This is called a genetically modified organism, a GMO(genetically modified organism) is a organism whose genes has been changed by genetic engineering. I bet your wondering do we need GMO's? Well, since the beginning of genetic engineering scientists and farmers have been working to help boost productivity in important crops. The reason why we have GMO's, is to make the food stay fresher, taste better and to help protect food from bugs! Roughly 10 to 15 percent of the world's cropland is growing GMO's today! The top five major foods that have GMO's in them are: corn, soybeans, cotton, canola(oil), and sugar beets. But don't forget, theses aren't the only food's that have GMO's in them. Fruit loops, Doritos, even fruits such as strawberries and papayas have been changed.(See figure 2) Also meats like bacon and chicken have GMO's in them too! If you think about it, most of our food has been genetically changed in some way. Even animals have been genetically modified!

Figure 3:  AquaAdvantage salmon [Web Image] (2013,July,25)
 Franken Animals

Surprisingly animals have been genetically modified too! Only certain animals that we get food from, have been changed to help make more food for us. Animals like cows, pigs, chickens, and salmon are examples of genetically modified organisms. GE-Salmon being the biggest thing to hit the market, has been changed to be even bigger then the natural salmon. The salmon was said to be safe to eat and as nutritious as the non-gmo salmon. So what's the deal with GMO's are they good or evil? Ill let you be the judge.
Figure 3: A GMO-A Go-A GO [Web Image] (2013)


       Is It Safe?
Just like Frankenstein's creation, there are some characteristics of this creation that have you thinking, is it safe? Scientists say yes, there safe but critics disagree. Twenty years ago Hawaiian farmers were in troubleRingspot virus, a infection caused by bugs was destroying all the papayas! Farmers tried everything to stop this virus, but nothing worked until a scientist made a great discovery. He gave the idea to put a gene called the coat protein in the papaya. After they put this new gene in the crop, they realized that they saved the papaya crop from being completely destroyed! Critics say even though GMO's helped crops survive, there are unknown risks to think about. Some say that food with GMO's have chemicals in them that can make someone sick, or if you have allergies the GMO's can cause a allergic reaction.
Figure 4: Mutato Head [Web image] (2009,May,28)
There are even unknown chemicals in our food that were eating, that can potentially cause us harm. Unfortunately the CEO's who own the company,who puts GMO's in our food, does not want to label the food that has GMO's. The reasons why they don't want to, is because their scared no one would buy their products once they find out they've been genetically modified. If the companies would simply label their products, they could possibly save someone from getting sick. But sadly they only care about the money they could make off their products.

Figure 5:  Hungry-Man FrankenFood [Web Image] (1999,Jan,27)

 Unlike the scientists, Frankenstein had no idea that his creation would become a monster! So whose to say the GMO's that scientist had created isn't? Scientists have the power to create something good or bad, but its up to you whether you believe GMO's are used for good or evil!

To find more information about GMO's click Here!

Figure 6: Banana Comic [Web Image] (2003,May,3)

Gurian-Sherman, D. (2013, November 25). Blog The Equation. November 29, 2015, from Hari, V. (2014, October 10).
CONFIRMED! Lab tests show over 30 popular food products contain GMOs. Are you eating them? Retrieved November 29, 2015, from
Saletan, W. (2015, July 15). The Misleading War on GMOs: The Food Is Safe. The Rhetoric Is Dangerous. November 29, 2015
U.S. Food and Drug Administration. (2012, April 8). November 29, 2015,

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